Zoom Set-up Instructions
To participate in our upcoming Annual General Meeting AGM, we invite you to download the Zoom application to a portable device like an iPad. The steps shown below are specific to an Apple iPad tablet but you should be able to translate the general concept to an Android device.
Please contact us if you are having any difficulties with this set-up - help@blbclub.com
Step 1
Download the ZOOM application from the Apple App Store or the Android Play Store. If you will be using your laptop or desktop computer to connect, please visit the website - https://zoom.us/download#client_4meeting and download the "Zoom Client for Meetings" application.
Step 2
From the App Store, choose the "Search" option - normally located at the bottom of the screen. It should have a magnifying glass icon beside it. Type the word "Zoom" in the search bar and a few options will automatically appear as shown below. Select the line "zoom cloud meeting" and press enter.
Step 3
You will be presented with several options to download, please look for the one similar to the image below - click the button "GET" from the upper right corner of the application.
Step 4
Once the download has been successfully completed, you will see the icon change to "OPEN". At this point, you can close the App Store, there is no need to open the application right now.
Step 5
When you receive a Zoom Invitation by email from us - see sample below. By clicking on the link just below the words "Join Zoom Meeting", this will automatically open up the Zoom application that you had downloaded in the previous steps above.
Step 6
When directed to enter your name please type in your first and last name. This will help us to identify you when participating in the meeting, avoid entering nicknames, abbreviations or numbers.
Step 7
The Zoom app must have your permission to access your camera, please click "OK" to accept, then click the blue button "Join with Video" to continue.
Step 8
A preview of your image will be displayed on the screen, again click the blue button at the bottom - "Join with Video" to continue.
Step 9
You must agree for "Zoom" to access your microphone by clicking "OK", without doing this, we will be unable to hear you.
Step 10
You must agree for "Zoom" to send you Notifications by clicking "OK", without doing this, you with not be alerted of this meeting.
Step 11
Click on the option "Call using Internet Audio" to hear the others in the meeting.
Step 12
You are now participating in the meeting, you should now see your host. To view the other participants, touch the screen to reveal your menu options. On the left hand corner, click "Gallery View" as shown in the image below.
Congratulations, you are now participating in
our very first Online Annual General Meeting!
Please take note of where the "mute" button is located. Again by touching the screen, you will note on the upper right corner this time is the "Mute" option.